关键投票Swing Vote(2007)
乌鸦:邪恶的愿望 Wicked Prayer (2005)
Sketches of Frank Gehry (2005)
五角精英 E-Ring (2005)
美式甜蜜 Americano (2005)
9人禁闭室 House of 9 (2005)
Out of Season (2004)
Keeper, The (2004)
最后骑士 The Last Ride (2004)
洛城重案组 L.A.P.D.: To Protect and to Serve (2003)
Choke (2003)
夺命第六感 Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2003)
爱情摇摆曲 Night We Called It a Day, The (2003)
Piano Player, The (2002)
变奏蓝调城 Bad City Blues (2001)
24反恐部队 24 Hours (2001)
即时引爆 Ticker (2001)
Lured Innocence (2001)
先知游戏 Prophet's Game, The (2000)
Spreading Ground, The (2000)
画出人命 Michael Angel (2000)
Held for Ransom (2000)
Luck of the Draw (2000)
Jason and the Argonauts (2000)
尖峰猎杀 Straight Shooter (1999)
Venice Project, The (1999)
绝命末路 Road Ends (1999)
艾德私人频道 Edtv (1999)
Meet the Deedles (1998)
矮骡子的春天 Last Days of Frankie the Fly, The (1997)
绝色惊狂 Blackout, The (1997)
Carried Away (1996)
轻狂岁月 Basquiat (1996)
参孙和大利拉 Samson and Delilah (1996)
狙击手 Search and Destroy (1995)
生死时速 Speed (1994)
真实的罗曼史 True Romance (1993)
超级马力兄弟 Super Mario Bros. (1993)
热血干探 Boiling Point (1993)
巴黎鳟鱼杀人事件 Paris Trout (1991)
暴风眼 Eye of the Storm (1991)
兄弟情仇 Indian Runner, The (1991)
赤面煞星 Catchfire (1990)
细说从头 Flashback (1990)
血洗移民潮 Blood Red (1989)
杏林血泪 Chattahoochee (1989)
泡妞专家 Pick-up Artist, The (1987)
蓝色天鹅绒 The Blue Velvet (1986)
大河边缘 River's Edge (1986)
火爆教头草地兵 Hoosiers (1986)
德州电锯杀人狂II Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, The (1986)
周末大行动 Osterman Weekend, The (1983)
原野枭雄 Wild Times (1980)
美国朋友 Amerikanische Freund, Der (1977)
逍遥骑士 Easy Rider (1969)
大地惊雷 True Grit (1969)
法网难逃 Key Witness (1960)
The Young Land (1959)
万里追踪 From Hell to Texas (1958)
樱花恋 Sayonara (1957)
巨人传 Giant (1956)
性感追捕令 Chasers (1994)
赤面煞星 Catchfire (1990)
激情沸点 Hot Spot, The (1990)
彩色响尾蛇 Colors (1988)
逍遥骑士 Easy Rider (1969)
逍遥骑士 Easy Rider (1969)